Personal Details

Cristian Sulea
  • Birth

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Mail

  • 21 December 1979

  • Bucharest, Romania

  • +4 0763 655 985

  • hellbiz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Summary of Skills

  • Technologies

  • - Java
  • - Swing
  • - Applets
  • - Servlets
  • - JSP
  • - JDBC
  • - SQL
  • - XML
  • - HTML
  • - CSS
  • - JS
  • - J2ME
  • - In-Fusio
  • Software

  • - Eclipse IDE
  • - IBM Rational Application Developer
  • - JBuilder IDE

  • - IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • - Apache Tomcat
  • - Jetty WebServer

  • - IBM DB2 Database
  • - MySQL Database

  • - Apache Commons Libraries and Components
  • - Apache Log4J
  • - Apache Ant
  • - Spring Framework
  • - Google Web Toolkit

  • - WordPress

  • - CVS
  • - SVN
  • English

  • - Reading skills: Intermediate
  • - Writing skills: Intermediate
  • - Verbal skills: Basic
  • Italian

  • - Reading skills: Intermediate
  • - Writing skills: Basic
  • - Verbal skills: Basic
  • Drivind licences

  • - A, B, C, E

Work Experience

  • Senior Java Developer

  • PSS - Prosoft Solutions, Full-Time
  • Other activities and responsibilities:

    - design and integration for the new change requests

    - prototype projects to test the integration of various technologies

    - build, deploy and test complex applications on WebSphere

  • Technologies:

    - Java

    - Swing

    - Servlets

    - JDBC

    - SQL

    - XML

  • Software:

    - IBM Rational Application Developer

    - Eclipse IDE

    - IBM WebSphere Application Server

    - Apache Tomcat

    - Jetty WebServer

    - IBM DB2 Database

    - MySQL Database

    - Apache Commons Libraries and Components

    - Apache Ant

    - Spring Framework

    - CVS

    - SVN

  • Senior Java Developer

  • SC Entrust SRL, Full-Time
  • Other activities and responsibilities:

    - Team Leader

    - Firm Administrator (and Partner)

  • Technologies:

    - Java

    - Swing

    - Servlets

    - JSP

    - JDBC

    - SQL

    - HTML

    - CSS

    - JS

  • Software:

    - Eclipse IDE

    - Apache Tomcat

    - MySQL Database

    - CVS

  • Java Developer

  • SC Echo Soft SRL, Full-Time
  • Other activities and responsibilities:

    - Team Leader

    - Firm Administrator (and Owner)

  • Technologies:

    - Java

    - Swing

    - Servlets

    - JSP

    - JDBC

    - SQL

    - HTML

    - CSS

    - JS

  • Software:

    - Eclipse IDE

    - Apache Tomcat

    - MySQL Database

    - CVS

  • Java Developer

  • ITTrading SRL, Italy, Freelancer
  • Technologies:

    - Java

    - Applets

    - Servlets

    - JDBC

    - SQL

    - J2ME

  • Software:

    - JBuilder IDE

    - Apache Tomcat

    - MySQL Database

    - CVS

  • Java Developer

  • SC Blue Software SRL, Full-Time
  • Technologies:

    - Java

    - Applets

    - Servlets

    - J2ME

    - In-Fusio

  • Software:

    - JBuilder IDE

  • Network Administrator

  • SC Ritz SRL


  • The Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics

  • Informatics
  • - principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Informatics

    - title of qualification awarded: Software Engineer

  • The Faculty of Automation and Computer Science

  • Computer Science
  • - principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Computer Science

  • After 2 years i realize that the studies becomes more and more hardware oriented, in contradiction with my priorities, programming languages, so i freeze the studies and apply to "The Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics" on a software department.

  • "Stefan Odobleja" Informatics High School

  • Informatics
  • - principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Informatics

    - title of qualification awarded: Programmer - Analyst

Most Important Projects ( before actual job )

  • SeMeSe
  • - a GSM portal where the users can send SMS-es from their computers, using internet, to any phone number from any mobile carrier

    - position held: Architect, Team Leader, Java Developer

    - technologies used: Java, SQL (MySQL), JSP, HTML, CSS, JS

  • Web Crawler
  • - a general web crawler with a very complex GUI for settings (many spiders, seeds, deep for every spider, etc.); the content is processed through abstract methods and the results can be dumped in any kind of output (databases, files, streams)

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, SQL

  • SETA
  • - an informative system that guards and manages all the information related to the agricultural field and to the usage of chemical products by Agricultural Companies

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, SQL(MySQL - beta version / Oracle 10g - final version), Java Web Start

  • Fleet WAN
  • - a system for the management and control of the fuel performance and consumption for fleets of conveyances

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, Applets, JSP, SQL

  • QSTN
  • - a server system (system tracer & notifier) created to memorize the data transfer and the logging messages for connected clients, with email/SMS notify for authorized operators/users

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, SQL (MySQL)

  • QSMS
  • - a system for sending/receiving SMSes with history and GSM network errors manager

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, SQL (MySQL)

  • - creation and administration of a software firm

  • Virtual Desktop
  • - a java module simulating Linux multi desktop feature

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java

  • CPRT
  • - a candlestick pattern recognition tool (it is actually a module that can be integrated on every application; it uses the "Charting API")

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java

  • Charting API
  • - a complete API for rapidly building custom charts (customized view and events for every element in chart, zoom and tool tips)

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java

  • Analytical Services
  • - a graphic application for the "Trading System" project, that provides information, analysis, operative consulting and other data and contents useful to investment decisions that are produced on each quoted security in the main world markets

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, JS

  • ITTS
  • - a graphic application for the "Trading System" project, that provides operative signals in push to the user, to provide a real time strategy and react to changes in the market conditions

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, JS

  • Trading System
  • - a trading system that produces specific operative signals for the derivative Italian market FIB30

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java

  • Trading Gate
  • - a system server for stock exchange data management

    - position held: Java Developer (implementing protocols as well as creating an entire logging system)

    - technologies used: Java, Log4J

  • Snapshot Diagram Generator
  • - a modular system for building graphical diagrams on request

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: Java, Servlets

  • Poker
  • - the poker game implemented for mobile devices

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: J2ME

  • Solitaire
  • - the Solitaire game implemented for mobile devices

    - position held: Main Developer

    - technologies used: IN-FUSIO (the technology used by Vodafone for mobile gaming)

  • Chart On Demand
  • - a snapshot chart generator for each security on the market for both historical and intraday data

    - position held: Java Developer

    - technologies used: Java, Servlets

  • Active Trader Chart
  • - a professional tool for advanced technical analysis and the creation of interactive, dynamic and custom charting studies

    - position held: Java Developer (in a 2 person teamwork)

    - technologies used: Java, Applets